Confronting Evil, A Lecture by Dr. Amy Shapiro

In writing about her experience of Auschwitz, Charlotte Delbo describes experiences like unending thirst or the witnessing of those sent to the gas chamber. What can be learned from such experiences? Delbo proposes that there is nothing to be learned or gained from them. They amount to “useless knowledge.” Concepts like “useless knowledge” and “incomprehensibility” might be helpful in confronting both the meaning and implications of evil. In this session, we will explore such concepts and try to make sense of examples of what we might identify as evil. In doing  so we will consider what it means to confront evil and how it may enhance our own lives.

Free and open to the public.



Harry & Rose Samson Family JCC

Nathan and Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center (HERC)

St. John’s on the Lake



Wed. January 15, 2020


 3:00 pm


St. John’s on the Lake

1840 N Prospect Ave

Map Unavailable
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