A tale of bravery, leadership, strength and survival, Fanny’s Journey is based on a true but incredible story of a daring young girl who stops at nothing and fears no one. In 1943, twelve year old Fanny and her younger sisters are sent from home – first to France, then to an Italian foster home hiding Jewish children. When the Nazis arrive in Italy, the caretakers desperately organize the departure of the children to Switzerland. Left suddenly on their own, the eleven children do the impossible and reach the Swiss border to freedom.
Purchase tickets and learn more about the Jewish Film Festival here.
Jewish Film Festival
Marcus Cinemas
Shel & Danni Gendelman Endowment Fund
Sylvia & Robert Seinfeld Jewish Film Festival Endowment Fund
Sun. October 22, 2017
7:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Marcus North Shore Cinema
11700 N Port Washington Road