Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans; Christians and Muslims of every period; even the secularists of modernity have used Judaism in constructing their visionsĀ of the world, and often in negative ways. What does this history of Anti-Judaism have to do with how we think about Judaism today? Do past ideas about Israel and Israelites affect how we think in the present? Nowadays we are often called upon to evaluate political claims about Israel, Zionism, and Judaism. How can we know, as we make our ethical decisions in the present, whether we are being truly critical citizens of the world, or merely acting out of historical habit?
Department of Theology at Marquette University
Hillel Milwaukee
Jewish Community Relations Council of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation
Marquette University Jewish Student Union
Tue. September 6, 2016
7:00 pm
Marquette University Alumni Memorial Union-Room 163
1442 West Wisconsin Avenue