The Making of ‘The Magid Chronicles’

A Lecture by Veretski Pass & Joel Rubin

A behind-the-scenes look at the making of The Magid Chronicles by Veretski Pass, in collaboration with Joel Rubin. This presentation details their project development based on the field work of Sofia Magid, the Jewish ethnographer who worked intensively to document Jewish music in Belarus and Ukraine during Stalin’s regime in the 1920s and 30s. Magid’s 600 recordings contain rare examples of women’s songs and instrumental pieces from these regions, which form the nucleus of this fascinating event.



Center for 21st Century Studies

Ovation Jewish Home

Sam & Helen Stahl Center for Jewish Studies

St. John’s on the Lake


Wed. September 25, 2019


 7:00 pm


Rubenstein Pavilion at Ovation Jewish Home

1414 N. Prospect Ave.

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