The Eichmann Show – Seeking Justice After the Shoah – Film Series

Martin Freeman and Anthony LaPaglia star as the documentary filmmaker and producer (Leo Hurwitz and Milton Fruchtman) who fought to televise the Eichmann Trial. Despite death threats and resistance from the networks, these men persisted, highlighting for the world (for the first time) the testimony of Holocaust survivors describing the atrocities they experienced – as well as filming the trial of one of the most insidious of the Nazis.

Suitable for ages 14 and up.

Instructor: Jeff TBA

Cost: Free

Open to Public: Yes

RSVP and Contact Information: Laurie Herman, or 414-967-8212


Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center


Tue. November 29, 2016


 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center

6255 N. Santa Monica Blvd.

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