Hi, I’m Andrea Adams. I’m a sophomore at UW-Milwaukee double majoring in Criminal Justice and Social Work . The career path I want to take is to be able to help sexual assault victims, but I’m not sure exactly in what capacity. The reason I am on this study abroad trip is because I have never been out of the country and I thought it would be an amazing opportunity to learn new things about another culture and the Holocaust.
Today, we learned about the rich history of Kraków. We went to the Rynek Museum and had a tour about what makes this city special. For example, the Museum had a lot of interactive elements to engage tourists while teaching them about the city. Next, we ventured to the University of Kraków and had a quick tour of the campus during which we learned about the University’s history. I learned that Nicolaus Copernicus attended and graduated there and some of his original instruments are still at the University. Lastly, we had the choice of going to the salt mine – the oldest in Europe (over 800 years old!). While there was quite a bit of walking, it was worth it because the views were breathtaking and I won’t see anything like it ever again. Overall, I had a great day today! View the trip’s photo album here.
– Andrea Adams, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee