Annual Kristallnacht Program 2024

with featured speaker Dr. Peter Hayes (Northwestern University)

“It was believed that all the Jewish establishments and synagogues in Vienna, wrecked and closed by the riotous outbreaks, may remain closed forever. The Berlin shops and synagogues similarly may not be rebuilt or repaired.” – Reporting on Kristallnacht – The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle – Friday, November 11, 1938.

Five years after Hitler came to power, Nazi Germany unleashed a violent pogrom against Jews in Germany and other Nazi-occupied territory. Commonly referred to as Kristallnacht, everyday citizens and law enforcement contributed to the state-sponsored violence against Jewish citizens. This state-orchestrated violence, which preceded World War II and the establishment of Auschwitz, served as a warning sign for deadlier Nazi policies that the world did not heed.

Join us with featured speaker Dr. Peter Hayes of Northwestern University, as we explore the critical questions: How did a democracy descend into dictatorship, paving the way for such brutality? What role did Kristallnacht play in the larger story of the Holocaust, and what lessons must we remember today?

Register here.

Be part of this powerful reflection on a dark chapter that continues to resonate.




Thu. November 14, 2024


 6:30 pm


Nicolet High School

6701 N Jean Nicolet Rd

Map Unavailable
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