From the Holocaust to Civil Rights

Join us as Debbie Simon Konkol, Joanne Simon Weinberg, and Chris Simon Halverson share the incredible story of their family’s journey. Learn how they retraced the steps of their grandmother Alice Simon, who was murdered by the Nazis, and their father Rev. Dr. Carl Simon, a Presbyterian minister. Discover how his family history affected his life and inspired him to become a civil rights activist, including marching with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma. Program includes a special introduction from Rabbi Ronald Shapiro, Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Shalom in Milwaukee as well as an opportunity for questions and answers.

This talk will take place on HERC’s Facebook Page. Remember, you can still view these virtual programs  even if you don’t subscribe to Facebook. Check out this step-by-step guide on how to watch with us live.

Learn more about the Simon family’s incredible story in this May 2015 article from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.



Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist

Jewish Community Relations Council of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation

Jewish Museum Milwaukee

Nathan and Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center (HERC)


Tue. August 18, 2020


 7:00 pm


Map Unavailable
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